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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

                                                                  W is for Wheat
Joining Jenny for Alphabe-Thursday 

It's Wednesday and I just got home from a week on my in-laws farm.  They farm in Kansas and my husband tries to go out each year and help with the harvest.  So for todays Outdoor Wednesday I want to join Susan and all you other outdoorsy gals by sharing some of my photos from the farm.
Around the bend on this dirt road is the farm my in-laws own.  Dad is 82 , mom is 79.  They are still up at dawn and going strong until long after sunset.  This year was a beautiful harvest.  I am amazed when I look across their fields and compare it to others we pass.  There are almost no tares in the wheat (thats weeds for us city folks.)  We had a great 14 hour drive out except for a flat tire on the highway.  But even in that, God kept us safe.  We arrived around noon and mom had lunch   ready for us.  Then it was time to hit the fields. Until this year mom and I would drive the trucks while the men harvested.  This year they hired someone to do that so mom and I didn't have to sit in the heat (100 in the shade!)  I think if mom's hip hadn't been bothering her, we would have probably been sitting in that heat! We had beautiful clear skies even though their we severe storms to the north of us.  Such a blessing.  Saturday was a bummer...both combines were down for quite a bit of the day.  The auger on one broke and we ended up driving 2 hours to pick up the part to fix it.  The other breakdowns were minor but time consuming. But as mom would say...That's just part of farming.
The morning was spent checking, oiling and cleaning the combines.  The a large meal at the table.  The rest of the day was spent in the fields.  At dinner we would drive out and meet the guys and give them their meal and a large mason jar of cold iced tea.  They stayed in the fields until sundown.  Usually not in bed until 11. Then up and do it all over.

I guess It wouldn't really be the paint splash without a splash of paint!  So here is a room I did for a church 3 year old classroom.  The LC farm.

Hope you enjoyed a bit of the country life.  Have a blessed week. Debbie


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are you going to taking over the farm?

Anonymous said...

I always love to hear about the life of a farm family..I used to take 'Farm and Ranch' magazine just to read the diaries...I've never been to Kansas but have seen how flat the landscape is there...I really enjoyed hearing about the harvest..some of the wheat has been cut hear but not all.

Ms. Bake-it said...

That is amazing that at their age they are still at it. Awesome! I have always been intrigued by the life of farmers. Love your farm mural! so fun and cheerful!

~ Tracy

Dani said...

love your farm photos. the second one, the open field is awesome. and the painted room- marvelous.

thanks for the visit.
have a nice week!

Ann said...

Deb-what a great post. I've actually never seen photos of the farm. Looks like they had a fantastic harvest==so happy for them. Love the paintings too.

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Looks like it was a successful trip! Thanks for stopping by!

Becky K. said...

This is what I love about these parties. Meeting awesome and friendly folks like yourself. Thanks for stopping by and inviting me over.

I'll be back. Your style of writing and love of family is just the thing I like to read.


Becky K.
Hospitality Lane

Candy said...

He can bring in the crop and you can paint with delight. I bet it puts a smile on the kids face to walk into that happy place.
Thanks for the visit ;-)

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Debbie, That is beautiful country out their. Thanks for stopping by today. Have a good week. Julian

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Debbie,
You are quite the artist! And I love the farm pics, I grew up on one so it's very familiar to me.

Sharlotte said...

I live in the heart of suburbia, so your pictures of the farm are a true joy! Love your work as well for the classroom...too cute! Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by to visit!
Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflections

Eden said...

Love your beautiful photos, Debbie. We always like the country side and once or twice a year we make a trip to the north country side of NSW. Beautiful paintings too. You are so talented. Love all of them

Thank you for stopping by

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Debbie, how fun! My granddaughter just back from visiting relatives in Kansas, too!

Just a quick reminder ~ the WEDDING BLOG PARTY is coming up this Friday, June 25th! Hope to see you there! It just wouldn't be a party without you! :0)

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Cindy said...

First of all, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
Now onto your post, I love farming, I lived in a farming community for several years while growing up and I loved the smells, the people, the views of the fields. I'm so glad your in-laws crop came off. The farmers here in Manitoba got some of their fields planted early only for the crop to be drowned by torrential rains and destroyed. My heart breaks for them. Then others didn't get the fields seeded yet and they aren't eligible for crop insurance because they hadn't seeded and the fields are SO wet that they won't get them seeded this year. I'm so glad I'm not a farmer's wife after hearing their sad stories.
But I LOVE your photos today, takes me way back to the '70's.
Oh and I love your painting in the SS classroom. So GOOD and lovely!
Hugs, Cindy S

Anonymous said...

The farm photos are amazing. It looks like they are wonderful farmers.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful classroom you painted.
Bringing in the crop already? Boy are we behind this year. I think it is great that you take part.
Thanks for sharing.

laterg8r said...

gorgeous pics - love the glimpse into farm life :D

GardenOfDaisies said...

I'm so glad your folks had a good wheat harvest. Wonderful that you were able to be there to help. The farmyard mural you painted is really cute!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Wonderful glimpse into a wheat harvest! Great photos...

Love the painting also!

Viki said...

Farming seems like such a hard, tough life. Your in-laws must be in very good health that they can still work it. Good for them. Love the murals you painted. Great W post.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Gorgeous wide open skies above the beautiful wheat fields! ...oh, such a lot of hard work, that is for sure!

Love your farm murals too!

Blessings & Aloha!
(I can imagine getting lost amongst the wheat stalks).

Jenny said...


What a great stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "W"!

I love wheat fields. They are on of my favorite rural vignettes. The imagery of your folks working the farm was so vivid here. It felt like I was visiting and joining in at the threshing table...and oh, that sweet ice tea really hit the spot after a hard days work.

Your murals are wonderful. I suspect that the three year olds never want to leave that magically painted room.

I loved my stop here today.

Thank you for giving me a rural respite on a hot urban afternoon.


Christy said...

How wonderful that you go and help. That your inlaws are still at it is no surprise - farm people are hardy!!

H said...

Much smaller scale, but I used to help with the hay harvest on my uncle's dairy farm. Brilliant, but hard work!

Unknown said...

Here is to Farmers....It is a hard lifestyle and one I admire......the wheat is beautiful and I love the murals at the church...i bet the kids do too!