OK this may not sound too "spiritual" but please read on.
Today, Saturday, I spent my day at an auction and luncheon to help raise money for a women's shelter at the country club.
Another lady in our church sponsored a full table and invited 7 of us to be her guests. All we were asked to do was to bring a purse for the auction filled with fun surprises.
We listend as one young woman shared her story and it brought back the memory of my cousins daughter. This married daughter was the mother of 3 boys. Very involved in her church and family. NO one knew what she went through at home, even her parents. Until it was too late. The husband now will spend the rest of his life in prison and these boys without their mother.
Women we MUST do something to open doors for these women. The reason my 2nd cousin didn't speak up? She was ashamed, afraid and thought, because the church says to honor her husband she would be looked down on.
I had not thought of her in years even though my cousin is raising her boys.
Lord forgive me for being blind to the things around me.
I loved the fact that the women in charge of the auction took time to print different scripture and put on each purse.
The scripture that was on my purse was
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry; the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. Psalm 34:15-16
Please Pray for the
Blessings, Debbie
PS if you haven't checked out my giveaway click on the picture of the angel at the top right.

O, my heart goes out to these women. I admire you for your help. I know they do, too.
I know this is a tremendous need in our city, too. God bless you
thanks for this post. There are so many living lives in fear and desperation. We can help. Hope your day is the best.
this is just great! i think you'd like the Pink Saturday post i did yesterday [& several others] on a friend who re*purposes jewellry/fashion for aiding girls/women caught in sex trade/human traffiking ... tea is on whenever you stop by :) WELCOME!
Thank you for jogging our thoughts away from our own needs, and onto the needs of others.
Wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Have a blessed Sunday!
I pray for those boys. They lost their mother and father. I hope they were very very young when the final crisis happened so they were not exposed to their fathers actions and example for a long period of thime. Unfortunately those actions are carried from father to son because of the example the father makes for his sons. I have helped in a small way several women get free from men like that, both of whom worked with me. Unfortunately I haven't thought of either woman and their families in years now. They each had to leave the area (state) to survive. You reminded me to add them to my prayers again. thank you
What an interesting dinner and for such a worthy purpose. Thank you for calling our attention to this important problem or so many. It is something most people choose not to think about, but we should think about it.
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