The wall above is the outside wall of the Vatican. After waiting in line we entered through the walls gate.
Inside there was a beautiful courtyard.
The two lions in the picture to the right, can be dated to the reign of Nectanebo II (360-343 BC) The inscription tells us they were from Northern Egypt.
The Sarcofago of St Helena. Mother of Constantine the Great
The two-horse chariot
This piece of work is made up of both antique and restoration by Francesco Antonio Franzoni in 1788. The body of the chariot was used as the episoce throne in the church of St Mark in Rome from at least 1516 to 1711
One section of the museum held many Egyptian artifacts.
Ok, I know this one is strange…I was just amazed that "someone" could be so well preserved. You could still see her fingernails and toenails! They have them in an airtight-climate controlled area.
Hubby Loves old clocks and this one was truly a masterpeice.
I wish we had taken a picture of the details with the date.
My hubby and I in the courtyard
Some of the husbands who took us on this amazing trip.
Hubby didn't get the message that the second picture was supposed to be goofy...
The Pope had spoken in the morning so the line to get in was longer than normal.
One of the most copied statues in the world. So amazing to see the real work.
Such a beautiful church. I don't think words are necessary.
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