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Monday, October 29, 2012

It's blue monday and I have some fun memories of our Grandson's Junior Football homecoming game to share.  We flew down to Texas and had a great time visiting and just doing life with our daughter and her family.
Our grandson has quite the fan club!

Our beauitful daughter and her husband
Granddaughter at her track meet

Lots of fun watching track, basketball and football all in the same weekend!

 Elementary Basketball runs during football season Our Granddaughter is the one with the ball
Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my blues.
 And a special thanks to Sally for hosting BLUE MONDAY

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I love old black and white vintage photographs!

This picture was sent to me by a cousin I had never met.  One of my dad's brothers, Frank, had passed away young and his wife and family moved away.  A couple of weeks ago I saw a post on facebbok, don't you love pubblic media, it was about a poster his great granddaughter had done about the Snavely heritage.  After making a comment, I was called by this cousin.  He offered to send me a copy of all the information he had!
My favorite picture is the one below that I had never seen.  
This was taken in 1923!

My father is the infant in his mothers arms.  The others are some of his brothers and sisters.

This is amazing qualityfor such an old  picture.  
Don't you love  my Grandmothers and Aunt's hats! 
Have a great week
Blessings, Debbie